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Name: Bethany Cooper-Guest


Position: Head of English Literature


One Minute Interview


What was the most memorable moment of your graduation from university?


Bill Bryson was the Chancellor at my university when I had my undergraduate graduation ceremony. He's a famous writer and has written a lot of books on travel and non-fiction so I was very excited to hear him give a speech! He gave us '7 simple rules for leading a good life' and I particularly liked this one: "be happy. Really happy. All the time. You're young and you have all your life ahead of you. You've been impeccably educated. You live in a rich and civilised country. Count your blessings and be glad of them."


What was the strangest reason ever given to you by a student for missing a homework deadline?


I don't think I've ever been given a very strange reason... The stranger thing for me has always been the homework with horrible unidentifiable marks on them. I always hope they're just tea stains... I've had students hand work in with big splotches of dried blood on and say 'Oh sorry, I had a nose bleed'. Urgh.


Do you have any superstitions? (As it is the 1st of the month, some people say ‘White Rabbits’ etc).


Until I had finished the seventh book of the Harry Potter series, I didn't say You Know Who's name. But, lucky for us, he was VANQUISHED. Take that Voldemort.



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Name: James Hunter


Position: English Literature Teacher


One Minute Interview


Coming Soon.


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Name: Angela Martin


Position: English Literature Teacher


One Minute Interview


What sort of a student were you at sixth form?


In terms of the kind of student I was I did not go down the traditional route and did not attend sixth form. I left school with two 'O' levels in English and Maths and undertook a YTS (the equivalent of an apprenticeship) and had various jobs, usually in admin. I worked at a factory and then did an A Level English Literature class on a night. Once I passed my A Level I had the studying bug - and it has never gone away!


What was the last book you read?


The last book I read Emma by Jane Austen. I watched the new film version and loved it and it inspired me to re-read the book.


What is your top tip for coping with lockdown?


My top tip for lock down is to keep routines and keep as busy as possible. I am doing two virtual keep fit classes a day (in my kitchen - the family aren't that happy) and I feel that having that to focus on keeps me both physically and mentally fit. I think the biggest thing is to distract yourself and only check news etc once a day (if not less).


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