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Just one of the huge advantages of attending Newcastle Sixth Form College is the Personal Development Coaching Team, who are dedicated to making sure you get the most from your A Level journey.


From you first moments at NSFC, where you make the very  significant adjustments to new subjects, new friendship groups and a large new campus, to the moment you leave on results day 2022, and set off to university or into your first career role, PDC's will be with you. 

What is Personal Development?

When you join Newcastle Sixth Form College, you will be automatically assigned your own Personal Development Coach (PDC).  They will work with you throughout your academic journey and offer a regular point of contact outside of the subject teaching teams to support your overall development and experience at sixth form.


Weekly group sessions offer a more formal approach to development, with your assigned coach leading a group on a wide range of activities including:


  • Personal growth

  • Academic skills

  • Wellbeing

  • Next steps (UCAS application, jobs and careers)

  • Vision and goals

  • Employability skills (CV, job interviews)

  • Staying safe

  • Online Safety

  • British Values


In these sessions you will be encourage to participate and discuss your own issues and develop strong opportunities which will help you whilst at college and well beyond this experience.


An important aspect of our PDC’s role is to help you focus on punctuality, attendance and workload, so that you also manage your time as effectively as possible and gain the most from your academic studies at sixth form.




What is your 1:1?

Your 1:1 is a vital part of your experience at NSFC, as it provides a chance for you to discuss with your PDC your own progression plan. The chance like this to explain any issues you have, or raise concerns in a completely confidential discussion has been invaluable to many students, and allows the PDC to give you feedback, points for reflection and also assist you when necessary so that your whole experience at NSFC is positive. The team also use these meetings to discuss, attendance, timekeeping and the good conduct we expect from every student. The opportunity for student and coach to have this sort of interaction ensures a smooth transition into college and a great chance to monitor your own performance so that you achieve your very best.

Career Planning and UCAS

By the time you have reached the start of your second year, the all important career development programme and UCAS application system will be well known to you with the help of your PDC. They work with you on career aspirations, and selecting your post 18 progression plan. They assist in developing your personal statement which is a key element of your overall application for university. 


They offer the guidance, support and direct input you will need to make the very best choices and create the best opportunity for yourself when you leave college.


Safeguarding is a vital part of the support function at college. We want to make sure that you are happy, safe and in the right environment to study. Therefore our safeguarding processes are very robust and the PDC are your first point of reference if you have any concerns. At NSFC through our PDC weekly sessions we will cover important elements like British Values, our respect agenda and share with you the ways in which we can make sure that your are in the right environment and your safety is a priority.

A day in the life of a PDC

“Ding!”  The day often starts with the sound of our shiny bell, at the ‘student entrance’ of Room 2.08, signalling a student would like to speak to their Personal Development Coach.  Unless they have an appointment (or it’s an emergency), I’ll invite them to email their coach to arrange a mutually convenient time for a 1:1.


A student calls to say they’re going to be off sick.  There’s a magical number that every student needs on their phone:  0191 272 1001.  If you ring that number (not your PDC) when you’re going to be absent, then all Registers will update to notify teachers that you’ve been in touch.   Another student phones to let me know that there’s been a problem at home that means they’re running late. I’ll try and catch up with the student later in the day to check in how things are at home.


I’ve got some 1:1s lined up first thing.  I appreciate a chance to spend 15 minutes with one of my students.  We reflect on the goals they set themselves last time we met and discuss whether they’ve achieved them and if not, why not?  Were there obstacles they faced that we could look at overcoming?   We’ll develop some new goals, concentrating on what they’d like to have changed or completed or progressed by their next 1:1.  Often, we’ll discuss their current thoughts post-A Levels or check on how their University Application is coming along and whether they need any more support. 


Three more 1:1s.  These are a valuable way for us to get to know our students better, so that we can provide coaching, guidance and support that is most beneficial for each student. Students can also talk about anything they have questions or concerns about.  One of my students is struggling with anxiety.  We complete a TARGET Referral Form.  The College TARGET Team will follow this up with an assessment and provide ongoing, appropriate support. 


I head down for a PD lesson with my first years.  One of them is already waiting outside the room - they don’t seem themselves.  They’ve just started a new job and are struggling to manage their shift work, their College work and their social life.  We book in a 1:1 to meet up tomorrow, to talk about ways to manage their time, opportunities and priorities. 

Today, in the lesson we’re researching possible career paths and links to suitable undergraduate courses and Universities, in preparation for writing Personal Statements next lesson.  Students upload their Personal Development work to their Unifrog Locker so that I can check on progress and follow up any gaps. 


Back to my desk for attendance monitoring from last week’s reports.  Most students have the College’s expected attendance of 95% or above.  However, there are some that appear to be missing a particular lesson or have absences that weren’t reported.  I’ll contact the students by phone or text.  Absences often require a call to a parent or carer at home.  If there’s an issue behind why a student’s attendance is low, then we want to work with them so they can engage fully and make the most of their time at College. 


Before I finish for the day, I follow up some emails.  A student’s mum has been in touch: someone in the family is ill and my student is finding it really hard to concentrate – I check the student will be happy for me to notify their teachers, so they are understanding about why the student may be appearing distracted. 


On my way out of the building I pass one of my student’s hard at work on the first floor.  We have a quick chat about the brilliant result they’ve just received in a Formal Assessment they had last week.  I love our role!  It’s all about the students:  coaching them to make the most of the amazing opportunities they have at this new stage of life, supporting them through some of the challenges that life sometimes brings and celebrating the achievements of each step along the way.   We’re looking forward to sharing the journey with you.

Meet the Team

Brown Sarah IMG_1717.jpg

Sarah Brown

Diana Lopez Mulhearn IMG_6554.jpg

Diana Lopes-Mulhearn

Jenny Adams.jpg

Jenny Adams

Rachael Cowley.jpg

Rachael Cowely

Main Jack.jpg

Jack Main

Jessica Cadwallender IMG_6581.jpg

Jess Cadwallendar

Rachel Timm.jpg

Rachel Timm

Kate Price IMG_6694.jpg

Kate Price

Abby Waugh IMG_5112.jpg

Abby Waugh

Srah Turnbull IMG_6569.jpg

Sarah Turnbull

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Maisie Moss

Useful Information


The closure of schools and colleges has been an unsettling time for everyone, and we know that at times it may be quite challenging. The following are a series of web pages you can visit if you are worried about the current situation.


Mind have a good section specific to the current situation and how to manage: 


The NHS have a number of self help booklets, accessible via:


NHS wellbeing audio guides:


BBC article:


British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy:

This is our PDC leaflet, with contact details

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